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Thursday, October 1, 2009

Maintaining the Khusyuk in Solah

Dr.Muzammil Siddiqi.

The whole purpose of prayer is to remember Allah and to feel in His presence. In a famous hadith, the Prophet SAW said:

"The Ihsan (right and beautiful action) is to worship Allah as though you are seeing Him, and while you see Him not yet truly He sees you…" [Reported by Al-Bukhari]

The following suggestion would keep the concentration while praying:

1. Intention should be in the heart. That is the real place of intention. Intend that you are praying to Allah Almighty and only for His sake. Focus on the nature of the prayer you are making. Is it an obligatory prayer or a supererogatory one? Are you praying Fajar, Zuhur, and `Asar, Maghrib or Isya’ and any other prayer How many prayer units or raka`ats you intend to pray and whether you are praying alone or with the congregation? The clearer you are in your intention; the better will be your attention and concentration.

2. Perform your solah promptly on their appointed times without delay.

3. Perform your Solah in accordance to the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW.

4. Stand upright. Keep your eyes open and look at the place of your prostration or sujud while you are standing. In bowing or ruku’ look at your feet, in sujud towards the floor and in the sitting position at your lap or your hands.

5. Do not play with your hands and do not rub your face, body or clothes. Be as quiet and still as possible.

6. Solah: the sanctified moment that you are facing Allah in His Presence.

7. Do not rush your prayers (i.e., to perform your prayers in haste). Rather, you ought to perform every part of your prayer with care and in a relaxed manner.

8. Recite the words carefully. Pay attention to what you are saying. You should learn the meaning of various supplications or Du’a’s in prayer.

9. Implore Allah earnestly to help you in your prayers and to accept your prayers. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) used to say:

"Allahumma `inni `ala dzikrika wa syukrika wa husni `ibadatika (O Allah help me in remembering You, in thanking You and in worshipping You in the best way).”

10. Finally, remember that haram food, haram income and sins take away the joy and concentration in prayer. Keep yourself pure and clean as much as you can.”


Aditia said...

JazaakumuLLAH khayr for sharing this awesome article mashaALLAH, I've bookmarked for further reading :)